I have to thank Lisa Sparkle for nominating me for this award.
I have to display this picture! ...................done!
I must either tell 6 lies and 1 truth about myself ? or 6 truths and 1 lie?
So here goes.............
1. I have purple hair.
2. I only use one paper pad at a time to craft with, I do not buy another until the one I am using is all completely used up!
3. I cut all my paper & card stock with the help of my cat Mr Binks who has been trained to use his very sharp claws for this job along with a metal edged ruler!
4. I once went on tour with Metallica.
5. I save money by making my own glue from melted slugs from my garden, pinflair...hu,,, who needs that!!!!
6. I drive a Bugatti Vayron
7. I collect hens teeth!
There we go, make of it what you will, and my seven nominees to pass this on to are!.......
Hope you like that, I did! Thanks again Lisa!!!