I have to thank Lisa Sparkle for nominating me for this award.

I have to display this picture! ...................done!
Here's the link to her blog I must include http://lisasparkleandstamps.blogspot.com/........ done!
I must either tell 6 lies and 1 truth about myself ? or 6 truths and 1 lie?
So here goes.............
1. I have purple hair.
2. I only use one paper pad at a time to craft with, I do not buy another until the one I am using is all completely used up!
3. I cut all my paper & card stock with the help of my cat Mr Binks who has been trained to use his very sharp claws for this job along with a metal edged ruler!
4. I once went on tour with Metallica.
5. I save money by making my own glue from melted slugs from my garden, pinflair...hu,,, who needs that!!!!
6. I drive a Bugatti Vayron
7. I collect hens teeth!
There we go, make of it what you will, and my seven nominees to pass this on to are!.......
1. Esther http://essiescraftyeffusions.blogspot.com For saying nice things about my blog!
2. Carol http://afinercraftyness.blogspot.com/ for being very inspiring!
3. Kym http://mustavcoffee-craftymusings.blogspot.com/ you welcomed me in and made me laugh!
4. Liesbeth http://liesbethart.blogspot.com/ you have an amazing blog with amazing work & you like Depech Mode too!!!
5. Andrea http://wherecanibuytime.blogspot.com you do some great work & have a great craft space!
6. Jan http://scrappyjandesigns.blogspot.com/ you don't know it yet, well you do now I suppose, but you blog really inspires me to make better cards!!!
7. Suzanne http://suzanneduda.typepad.com/my_weblog/ this Lady's blog is beautiful, very very creative & talented, shes full of ideas, you cant help feeling uplifted & inspired by her work!!!
Hope you like that, I did! Thanks again Lisa!!!
Hi Lavinia, many thanks for your lovely message, you made me laugh out real loud with the Oi, Oi totally magic xxx
Your award is lovely and very funny xxx
Thanks Lavinia,for the award, but i wasnt sure how to pass the picture on, do you have the link? from the person who sent it to you? :)thanks,
thanks again Lavinia that's what i did in the end :) happy crafting x just love your cards!
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