Yet another chilly frosty day here! Although its crystal clear sunny skies! All in all a beaut of a day! My desk is busy at the moment making my Sisters Birthday card (hope shes not looking) Been using my Slice quite a bit this week! And Craftwork Cards Yummy Scrummy Papers, lovely really nice quality. The pic's of the cards are the last I will be showing now for Yuletide. Been making a lot of cards since September, so now there done its time to get on with others! I made both of these Cards using the now familiar Ella Blue papers from g.c.d Studios & the lovely PSX french script stamp. Had to show you my beautiful Big Silver Birch Tree in the front garden covered in Frost! It looked beautiful. And took this pic of Mr Binxz as he was having a wash & he looks like hes doing a Kung Fu Kick!!! Soooo cute! Couldn't resist sharing it! Hope your all well & getting on with the festivities, still not done any prezzie shopping yet! Yikes better get my skates, or rather Ski's on! Thanks for the visit & I will be perusing later on!
Hi there Lavinia, I'm so impressed, your desk is so busy and organised. Lucky you, you have the slice, nice! Great cards and lovely frosty pictures. Mr Binxz is wonderful, look at the expression on his face ( I think Esther is right it's indignant) and it does look as if he's doing a Kung Fu move. Thanks for your lovely positive comments, you're perfectly correct of course. Poor you, it must have really upset you when your parents got their dog. I'm sure it was really a compliment to you because you left such a whole in their lives, well done for going back so often(even if it was for your ironing,:0)) Big Hugs :0) xx
however I did do 2 years of a masters degree in holistic counseling (but I found too many holes in the theories and gave up)I decided I understand myself better but probably not enough to be the best person to try to help anyone else...but I am left with an overwhelming beleif in the healing power of narrative, and the balance of speaking and being heard, the healing power of family and individual stories and their meanings. My art work is often an interpretation of a narrative.
Beautiful cards and fab frosty pic too!
Lovely cards, Thanks for the peek. S #99
Hi Lavinia..lovely cards - I really like the colours..and oh so cute pic of Mr Binxz..Happy WOYWW Esther xx
Have you seen the daily December deals that Craftwork Cards have been doing? Lots of bargains to be had.
I have left a little something for you on my blog ;-)
Funny My Binxz!
Wow, lovely cards and great pictures!
Your cat looks a little indignant at having his wash interrupted!
Chrissie #7
Beautiful cards! Thanks for the peek. Hugs, Marjo #45
Hi there Lavinia, I'm so impressed, your desk is so busy and organised. Lucky you, you have the slice, nice!
Great cards and lovely frosty pictures. Mr Binxz is wonderful, look at the expression on his face ( I think Esther is right it's indignant) and it does look as if he's doing a Kung Fu move.
Thanks for your lovely positive comments, you're perfectly correct of course.
Poor you, it must have really upset you when your parents got their dog. I'm sure it was really a compliment to you because you left such a whole in their lives, well done for going back so often(even if it was for your ironing,:0))
Big Hugs :0) xx
Your cards are beautiful Lavinia, love the colours. Great pic of Mr Binxz!
Hi Lavinia,
I think I am better described as saggy that sage,
however I did do 2 years of a masters degree in holistic counseling (but I found too many holes in the theories and gave up)I decided I understand myself better but probably not enough to be the best person to try to help anyone else...but I am left with an overwhelming beleif in the healing power of narrative, and the balance of speaking and being heard, the healing power of family and individual stories and their meanings. My art work is often an interpretation of a narrative.
I have no spinning wheel so I shall felt the wool
ha ha
Great stuff Lavinia, you really are the queen of Christmas cards! Beautiful tree in the frost and ka-pow! to Mr Binxz!!
Brenda 83
You could never be accused of throwing together a simple card huh Lavinia? Each is a work of art and they must be ever so well received.
Great cards and thanks for sharing the birch tree - it's gorgeous. Oh, and so is Mr Binkz Elizabeth #95
Hi Lavinia!
Sorry I didn't get round to you last week, but I'm here now, and wondering where this week's WOYWW is - hope you're keeping well!!!
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