Well I had a lovely suprise on my desk a few weeks ago! I recived a special "PayIt Forward" gift from Wipso! I carefully unwrapped it to reveal it's contents.........

I discovered four beautifully wrapped items & an envolope.........

And just look at all the Handcrafted delights inside......a beautiful Organza Flower Brooch, some fantastic Crotched Flowers ( that I long to be able to make, but alas I cant) The most cute felted little lucky Mini Teddy ever!!! And one of Wipso's Famous Poppy Canvases, something I have always admired on her blog! And finally an amazingly detailed embellished card with a wonderfully worded message! To say this cheerd me up is a compleat understatement! I was quite overwhelemed to be honest, and to even more more honest with you all, I actually cried! I was so touched that someone took the trouble to do this for me to bring a little love in to my life! I want to "Thank her from the bottom of my heart"
If you would like to know more about Wipso & her creations you can hop over to her blog by clicking on the link to her blog on my side bar-------}
For some reason Blogger will not let me post links by the copy & paste option nor will it let me spell check any of my posts or preview any of them. I have have had MAJOR problems for weeks hence the lack of posts! I will now go and e-mail them again!!! To see if this can be resolved or I have not turned something on or turned something off......oooo its a mine field this PC lark sometimes eh!!!
Due to all this I will NOT be doing my Pay It Forward until I have sorted this out! So please dont think I am not joining in, I am just not yet!!!
Hope you all feeling better than me at the moment. I have just got back from France & I am ill with horrible Flu, off for a hot toddy or two!!!
Oh Lavinia. What can I say? Thank you for such a lovely post. I'm blushing here now :-)
A x
Hope you feel better soon.
These are gorgeous, I love them! My love to your delightful furbaby, Shaz #131
Aww, I hope Le Flu gets better very soon. Hope you had a nice time over in froggyland though.
How sweet of Wipso, what lovely things she made.
you take care of yourself missus, xxx
Hi Lavinia, thank you for the lovely comment. You certainly deserve those beautiful gifts from Wipso and I am very envious...I adore all her work, especially the poppy canvas - I love poppy's.
Yes, me and my sister are off to do a workshop with Tim next thursday and I promise to take as many pics as I can.
Good luck with the internet connection.
see you next week
Happy WOYWW ,
those gifts from wispo look absolutely gorgeous .I am soooo jealous of the poppy canvas that is just stunning!Enjoy
hugs judex22
Hi Lavinia
I hopped here from Wipso's blog and am now a follower :) Weren't we such lucky girlies to be recipients of similar packages of PIF goodies from Wipso! Like you, I'd drooled over her poppy pictures and was so delighted to be sent such a special parcel. Happy crafting! Di x
What a beautiful package of goodies to unwrap. Plus you got a felted poppy canvas how wonderful.
Sandra #67
WOW very nice! Wipso did well. I love her Poppy designs also. Such creative crafter. Thanks for sharing! I am so jealous! Vickie #30
Beautiful gifts Lavinia, bet they cheered up your day no end.
Brenda 100
PS I've been mooching through your lovely blog again and saw you asking about attaching organza ribbon bows to cards. I use that ultra sticky tape (the one with the red peeloff strip)sold online and in craft shops. It's really good and you only need to snip off a little bit. But get it right first time 'cos it sticks really well! Hope you feel better soon. Di x
Wow the creations your have received are lovely - hope you sort out your blogger issues and feel better soon ~ Nicky no.6
A great and desereved tonic for you Lavinia...ain't Wipso the best.
What wonderful treats, how lovely ! Hope you're feeling better soon, and get Blogger sorted soon too......Esther xx
Hope you're starting to feel a little bit better by now - hopefully you had three or four hot toddies if necessary! Glad to see you back - knowing you were having PC problems before, I had an inkling of why you weren't around....
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