Its here again! Yes the day of the week that seem's to arrive quicker than any other! My desk this week is another "Trying to get in the mood desk" Tonight after dinner I decided to get my crafty hat on & bring coordinating stash out of drawers & off shelves lay it on my desk & make myself get inspired. It worked a few weeks back & it got me using things I bough an age ago & have just been unused. The theme I have set myself is "Female family Cards" The first crisp white card is placed on the craft mat ready to be transformed!
This idea of setting stash out seem's to work well for me of late, as I am struggling to get ideas & my mojo is not co-operating! This week has come round before I know it. Not got much done in the way of crafting but I have got bits & bobs done here & there in the sorting of stash & stamps in my crafty corner. As you can see from the pic below I have sorted all my cling stamps in to groups on laminated A5 sheets & stored them in one of those "Really Useful Boxes". I have made labels for each one (all 89 sheets of them, it played havoc with my RA & carpel tunnel) I realized I was not using them as much as I should so now I can find the needed stamp easier, I will use them more!
I want to thank everyone who left me wonderful comments last post! So kind of you all, if I didn't manage to get to pop by you Blog be sure I will this week. Like everyone I have to get to grips with the "New" blogger dashboard & layout. I did not realize I had comments last week after it changed & I couldn't work out what to do! I am in the "Know" now and have figured it out. I am a bit rubbish with change :( to me it wasn't broke & I was happy with how it worked but alas some new fangled method was introduced to confuse me, as well as keep me on my toes! Hope all well with you & your enjoying you week take care everyone!
Hi Lavinia,
Oh I hope your mojo shows itself soon! What you've laid out to inspire you looks very nice - love the colors.
I'm impressed with the organization of your clear stamps. Wow!
Glad you've made friends with blogger and really hope your crafting mojo returns very soon for you.
A x
So neat. I love those cards from last week, too. Artee #133
So neat. I love those cards from last week, too. Artee #133
I kinda work the same way, by putting out a collection or such and work with just that. I am in awe of your stamp storage. It looks so neat and organized. dani132
I like your way of getting inspired and I love the way you keep your stamps - genious idea. Anne #2
Oh, you must be dying to get started with all those pretty things laid out!! I know I'd dive right in...
xxoo from Zildara (#128 at WOYWW)
am sure that your stash will kickstart the mojo
have a fab crafty woyww
kay #28
Great pics, you're right sometimes just getting everything that looks like it works together helps with the mojo! Take care and enjoy WOYWW snooping! Zo xx 73
WOW, WOW, WOW, Tons of wonderful stamps.. great storage system!! your desk looks so inviting with all those lovely papers and crafty bits... Have fun! Hugs May x x x#31
Wow Lavinia I love your storage solution its fabulous must try that with mine , Great things and fabby cards on your desk too Hugs Elaine
What a fabulous, organised space. Thanks for sharing.
Fab storage for your stamps! I can appreciate where you're at with the carpal tunnel, though thankfully I've not got the RA issue...
Hope you had some success with your mojo hunting!
Morti #24
You are soooo organised! Now I can see why your new 'bench' and tidy desk might worry you!! (More space more mess!)
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